Rose wines
Bock Amphora Rosédry rosé wine20224 690 Ft(0.75 l)Add to cart

Bock Amphora Rosé

dry rosé wine2022The product is sold out

4 690 Ft(0.75 l)

Unit price: 6 253 Ft/lThe product is sold out, our current sortiment can be found here.

(HU) Kristálytiszta, tükrös közepesen mély intenzitású lazac szín. Egyenletesen lecsorgó lábak, tisztán megfigyelhető korona, mely nagy beltartalmi értéket sejtet.
Illatában, finom eprességgel nyit, melyet érett nektarin és narancshéj árnyalnak. Kóstolva a bor száraz, egyensúlyos üdítő, de nem kiugróan magas savérzet mellett az illatban ígért gyümölcsök mellett, árnyalatnyi grapefruit héjas, meggymagos kesernyésség teszi teljessé a korty végtelen hosszú lecsengését.
Az amforás érlelésnek köszönhetően pont annyira komplex, az agyagon keresztül bejutó mikro-oxidáció hatására tartalmas ital született, ami kiemeli a tételt a megszokott “tutti-frutti” illat- és ízbomba rozék széles táborából, ellenben egy gasztronómiában igen széleskörűen felhasználható borrá teszi.

Type: Villány classic rosé wine with protected designation of origin (Fresh, aromatic wine)
Vineyards: Selected vineyards
Bottle sizes: 0.75 l

Tasting notes

Kristálytiszta, tükrös közepesen mély intenzitású lazac szín. Egyenletesen lecsorgó lábak, tisztán megfigyelhető korona, mely nagy beltartalmi értéket sejtet.
Illatában, finom eprességgel nyit, melyet érett nektarin és narancshéj árnyalnak. Kóstolva a bor száraz, egyensúlyos üdítő, de nem kiugróan magas savérzet mellett az illatban ígért gyümölcsök mellett, árnyalatnyi grapefruit héjas, meggymagos kesernyésség teszi teljessé a korty végtelen hosszú lecsengését.
Az amforás érlelésnek köszönhetően pont annyira komplex, az agyagon keresztül bejutó mikro-oxidáció hatására tartalmas ital született, ami kiemeli a tételt a megszokott “tutti-frutti” illat- és ízbomba rozék széles táborából, ellenben egy gasztronómiában igen széleskörűen felhasználható borrá teszi.

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About the year

The grape dormant season in 2021 has proved to be milder.
April, with average temperatures, resulted in late April frosts on Portugieser and Kékfrankos, followed by Cabernet Franc Merlot, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon. In the spring of 2021, the Bock estate did not experience any major damage beyond the intensity of the onset of shoot growth in April. However, the rest of the pre-flowering period proved to be warm. The warm, low rainfall weather resulted in a rapid flowering and excellent establishment starting in May.
Warm temperatures were recorded during the first two weeks of June, the start of berry growth, while rainfall in June was very dominant in the late summer. July gave warmer than average values, but then only heavy rainfall in the form of heavy thunderstorms fell on the estate, followed by an extremely dry warm period. In addition to the increase in berry size, this weather also favoured the appearance of fungal infections, which were effectively controlled.
In the last week of July, all varieties on the estate as a whole were showing shrivelled berries, but this was more due to drought stress. The ripening in the vineyard also started later than usual compared to previous years. The weather at the start of ripening was warmer than average. The initial sugar accumulation in the berries was rapid. The days were cooler in the second half of August. The increase in sugar content of the berries slowed down slightly, but helped to preserve acidity and flavour. The rainfall at this time eliminated the symptoms of drought stress and this favoured berry growth.
The pre-harvest of Pinot noir, the basis for the rosé wines, began at the end of August for the 2021 harvest.
The weather took a major turn in the first two weeks of October. The average temperature was the lowest in the last six years, while rainfall was the second lowest in recent years. The rate of ripening then fell sharply. The month of September, however, favoured the achievement of good ripening for all varieties, with exceptionally warm weather.
The harvest ended on 25 October with the harvest of Cabernet Sauvignon.

Apart from the dry, warm August temperatures in July, 2021 is characterised by balanced temperatures. However, a later than average frost and a long warm, dry period contributed to 2021 being one of the driest years on record, even without late autumn rainfall. The amount of heat and precipitation used in viticulture are similar to 2020. The quality of the grape harvest, both in terms of aromas, phenolic ripeness and colour content, is considered outstanding.

Wine characteristics

Degree of dryness


Sugar content

1.1 g/l

Alcohol content


Titratable acidity

5.4 g/l

Sugar-free extract content

19.1 g/l

Viticultural data

Cultivation area

Villány Wine Region


Selected vineyards

Characteristic soil

limestone, loess, loam

Grape types and percentage


Age of vines

22 years

Burden of production

1-1.5 kg/vine

Vintage time

2022. szeptember

Winemaking data



Method of fermentation




Maturation period

3 hónap

Bottling time


Commercial data


1 000 pc

Market entry


