Grape juices
Bockgrape juice20241 150 Ft(0,7l)Add to cart


grape juice2024In stock, can be taken immediately

1 150 Ft(0,7l)

100% unfiltered grape juice

The pressed fruit juices, made from the Villány wine region’s main white grape varieties, our own olaszrizling and hárslevelű, were produced in situ at the winery, and after clarifying and pasteurizing the must it is packaged unfiltered in elegant burgundy bottles. As these varieties are at once fruity and fragrant, they have proven perfect basic ingredients for grape juice.

Tasting notes

(HU) Mivel a hárslevelű egy zamatos, illatos fajta, így tökéletes szőlőlé alapanyagnak bizonyult. Természetesen édes íze miatt gyerekek számára maga a Mennyország, de a felnőttek is szívesen fogyasztják. Nyáron fröccsként, hideg szódával fellazítva vagy hűs koktélt készítve belőle üdít! Már egy-két dl is nagy koncentrációban tartalmazza a szőlőben rejlő értékes tápanyagokat. Fogyasszák egészséggel!

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About the year

The year started mildly, but cold weather arrived in April, and some varieties produced lower yields; fortunately, frost damage was avoided. By late April, warm weather arrived, and the early flowering at the beginning of May already hinted at an early harvest. During the summer drought, we were concerned about our young, 2-3-year-old vineyards, but they performed well and produced beautiful yields.

At the Bock vineyards, no herbicides were used, and with the help of proper under-row cultivators, we managed to keep the vines weed-free. We took another step towards organic farming, entirely replacing chemical weed control.

Thanks to the very warm and dry summer, the grapes ripened quickly, and we began harvesting Irsai Olivér on August 1 in the heat. The overlapping ripening of different varieties and the lack of storage capacity during the harvest caused significant challenges. We completed the harvest earlier than ever before: on September 25, the last batch of grapes was delivered to our cellar.

Additional information

Additional information
Weight 1,50 kg