Red wines
Bock Merlot Special Reservedry red wine201910 450 Ft(0.75 l)Add to cart

Bock Merlot Special Reserve

dry red wine2019In stock, can be taken immediately

10 450 Ft(0.75 l)

Unit price: 13 933 Ft/l
Type: Villány premium red wine with protected designation of origin (Full­bodied wine)
Vineyards: Ördögárok
Bottle sizes: 0.75 l
Product line: vineyard selection

Tasting notes

A villányi Ördögárok dűlőben, korlátozott hozamú tőkékről válogattuk a Merlot szőlőt, amelyből ez a bor készült.
Az erjesztést követően 12 hónapig új barrique hordóban érleltük, majd 12 hónapig ászokhordóban pihentettük. A kedvező időjárást, a gondos művelést, a sok törődést nagy testtel, feszes tanninokkal hálálta meg a bor, amely kivételes potenciállal bír.
Friss és érett illatában a fekete ribizlis és a szilvás jegyek figyelhetők meg, ízében a bogyós gyümölcsök mellett csokoládé fedezhető fel.

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About the year

January was milder this year than in 2017, and while there was snow as well as sleet, the record cold was to come in March. Vines were among the latest plants (fruit trees) to flower, and so the frozen outset of the spring in early March (-14°C) only resulted in a lack of produce in the flatter vineyards. Temperatures of around 20°C were quick to follow the cold start, and so, despite the cold, spring was to start early. Temperatures of up to 30°C were not rare in April, and May was also a warm month. As a result, the vines began to develop a good week or two earlier than usual.

Summer also began hot, with values of around 30°C, and so the two-week advantage over the previous year continued. The slight drop in temperature in mid-June did nothing to retract the advantage, and so everyone began to prepare for an early August harvest. The year’s weather raised no problems as regards the year’s vintage, and pest control was also at its satisfactory level. The hot weather continued through August, frequently reaching 34°C. Although August was rather dry, the precipitation evened out at a monthly 60-80 mm, meaning that the grapes ripened early and that the harvest could begin on August 22.

2018 promises to be an exceptional year, the sugars forming satisfactorily as a result of the sunlight and heat and the wines being built upon healthy grapes.

Wine characteristics

Degree of dryness


Sugar content

1.3 g/l

Alcohol content


Titratable acidity

4.9 g/l

Sugar-free extract content

31.6 g/l

Viticultural data

Cultivation area

Villány Wine Region



Characteristic soil

limestone, loess, loam

Grape types and percentage

merlot 100%

Age of vines

15 years

Burden of production

0.8-1 kg/vine

Vintage time

october 2015

Winemaking data



Method of fermentation



barrique barrels

Maturation period

24 months

Bottling time

2022. 03. 02.

Commercial data


8 300 pc

