Delivery to all over the country



This document will not be filed, will only be concluded in electronic form, shall not be considered a written contract, is drafted originally in Hungarian language, and does not refer to any code of conduct. If you have any questions regarding the operation of the webshop, or the procedure of orders and delivery, please do not hesitate to contact us at our contact information specified below.

The scope of these GTC shall extend to the legal relationships created through the Service Provider’s website ( or subdomains. These GTC are continuously available at the following website: and can be downloaded from the following link: letöltés

1. The Service Provider’s data:

Name of the service provider: Bock Panzió Kft.
The service provider’s registered office (and the place of complaint management): H-7773 Villány, Batthyány u. 15.
The service provider’s contact information, its electronic mailing address regularly used to communicate with the users:
Company registration number: 02-09-071153
Tax number: 13855264-2-02
Authority of registration: Company Registry Court of the Regional Court of Pécs
Telephone number: +36 72 492 919, +36 30 9975 600
Data protection registration number: NAIH-116184/2017.
The original language of the contract is: Hungarian

Hosting provider details:

2. Basic Provisions

3. Registration/Purchase

4. The Scope of Products and Services Available for Purchase

5. The Ordering Process

In case of orders within Hungary:

Weight category Gross delivery cost in case of payment by bank card (HUF) Gross delivery cost in case of cash on delivery (+HUF 300)
0,1-1 kg 1 300 1 600
1,1-3 kg 1 800 2 100
3,1-10 kg 2 500 2 800
10,1-15 kg 2 800 3 100
15,1-20 kg 3 200 3 500
20,1-60 kg free of charge (over HUF 25,000) free of charge (over HUF 25,000)
60,1-… kg Individual offer Individual offer

Delivery is free:

Within Baranya county over HUF 15,000
Within Budapest and Pest counties over HUF 15,000
To the rest of Hungary over HUF 25,000


In case of orders to outside of Hungary:

TNT full Austria Slovakia Poland Germany Czech Republic
0,1-1 kg HUF 7,600 HUF 7,600 HUF 7,600 HUF 7,600 HUF 7,600
1,1-3 kg HUF 7,600 HUF 7,600 HUF 7,600 HUF 7,600 HUF 7,600
3,1-10 kg HUF 11,000 HUF 11,000 HUF 11,000 HUF 11,000 HUF 11,000
10,1-15 kg HUF 14,500 HUF 14,500 HUF 14,500 HUF 14,500 HUF 14,500
15,1-20 kg HUF 16,400 HUF 16,400 HUF 19,500 HUF 19,500 HUF 19,500
20,1-30 kg HUF 23,500 HUF 23,500 HUF 28,000 HUF 28,000 HUF 28,000
30,1-40 kg HUF 28,200 HUF 28,200 HUF 32,900 HUF 32,900 HUF 32,900
40,1-50 kg HUF 32,800 HUF 32,800 HUF 37,700 HUF 37,700 HUF 37,700
50,1-60 kg HUF 37,500 HUF 37,500 HUF 42,600 HUF 42,600 HUF 42,600
Over 60 kg Individual offer Individual offer Individual offer Individual offer Individual offer

6. The Processing and Performance of Orders

7. Right of Withdrawal

8. Warranty

Lack of conformity

Lack of conformity means when the obligor’s performance at the delivery date is not in compliance with the quality requirements laid down in the contract or stipulated by law. The obligor is not liable for any lack of conformity if, at the time of the conclusion of the contract, the obligee knew or should have known the lack of conformity.

Any clause of a contract that involves a consumer and a business party that derogates from the provisions of this Chapter on warranties and commercial guarantees to the detriment of the consumer shall be null and void.


Product Guarantee

9. Procedure in Case of Warranty Claims

10. Miscellaneous

11. Procedure of Complaint Management

Pursuant to Government Decree no. 387/2016. (XII. 2.) on the designation of the consumer protection authority in public administrative procedures, the township office (or the township office of the county seat) shall proceed on the first instance and the Government Office of Pest County, with nationwide competence, shall act on the second instance. Contact information of the township offices:

Arbitration Board of Bács-Kiskun County
Address: H-6000 Kecskemét, Árpád krt. 4
Telephone number: (76) 501-525, (76) 501-500
Fax number: (76) 501-538
Name: Mariann Mátyus
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Baranya County
Address: H-7625 Pécs, Majorossy Imre u. 36
Mailing address: H-7602 Pécs, PO Box (Pf.) 109
Telephone number: (72) 507-154
Fax number: (72) 507-152
Name: Dr. József Bodnár
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Békés County
Address: H-5601 Békéscsaba, Penza ltp. 5
Telephone number: (66) 324-976, 446-354, 451-775
Fax number: (66) 324-976
Name: Dr. László Bagdi
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County
Address: H-3525 Miskolc, Szentpáli u. 1
Telephone number: (46) 501-091, 501-870
Fax number: (46) 501-099
Name: Dr. Péter Tulipán
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Budapest
Address: H-1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99
Telephone number: (1) 488-2131
Fax number: (1) 488-2186
Name: Dr. György Baranovszky
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Csongrád County
Address: H-6721 Szeged, Párizsi krt. 8-12
Telephone number: (62) 554-250/extension 118
Fax number: (62) 426-149
Name: László Dékány, Zoltán Jerney
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Fejér County
Address: H-8000 Székesfehérvár, Hosszúsétatér 4-6
Telephone number: (22) 510-310
Fax number: (22) 510-312
Name: László Kirst
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Győr-Moson-Sopron County
Address: H-9021 Győr, Szent István út 10/a
Telephone number: (96) 520-202; 520-217
Fax number: (96) 520-218
Name: László Horváth
E-mail cím:

Arbitration Board of Hajdú-Bihar County
Address: H-4025 Debrecen, Petőfi tér 10
Telephone number: (52) 500-749
Fax number: (52) 500-720
Name: Dr. Zsolt Hajnal
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Heves County
Address: H-3300 Eger, Faiskola út 15
Mailing address: H-3301 Eger, PO Box (Pf.) 440
Telephone number: (36) 416-660/extension 105
Fax number: (36) 323-615
Name: Tünde Pintérné Dobó
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County
Address: H-5000 Szolnok, Verseghy park 8
Telephone number: (56) 510-610
Fax number: (56) 370-005
Name: Judit Dr. Lajkóné dr. Vígh
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Komárom-Esztergom County
Address: H-2800 Tatabánya, Fő tér 36
Telephone number: (34) 513-010
Fax number: (34) 316-259
Name: Dr. György Rozsnyói
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Nógrád County
Address: H-3100 Salgótarján, Alkotmány út 9/a
Telephone number: (32) 520-860
Fax number: (32) 520-862
Name: Dr. Erik Pongó
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Pest County
Address: H-1119 Budapest, Etele út 59-61. 2. em. 240
Telephone number: (1)-269-0703
Fax number: (1)-269-0703
Name: dr. Károly Csanádi
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Somogy County
Address: H-7400 Kaposvár, Anna utca 6
Telephone number: (82) 501-000
Fax number: (82) 501-046
Name: Dr. Ferenc Novák
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County
Address: H-4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 2
Telephone number: (42) 311-544, (42) 420-180
Fax number: (42) 311-750
Name: Katalin Görömbeiné dr. Balmaz
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Tolna County
Address: H-7100 Szekszárd, Arany J. u. 23-25
Telephone number: (74) 411-661
Fax number: (74) 411-456
Name: Tibor Mátyás
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Vas County
Address: H-9700 Szombathely, Honvéd tér 2
Telephone number: (94) 312-356
Fax number: (94) 316-936
Name: Dr. Zoltán Kövesdi
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Veszprém County
Address: H-8200 Veszprém, Budapest u. 3
Telephone number: (88) 429-008
Fax number: (88) 412-150
Name: Dr. László Óvári
Email address:

Arbitration Board of Zala County
Address: H-8900 Zalaegerszeg, Petőfi utca 24
Telephone number: (92) 550-513
Fax number: (92) 550-525
Name: dr. Csaba Koczka
Email address:

12. Copyrights

13. Privacy

The Privacy Policy of the website is available at the following site:


General Terms and Conditions download here (.pdf 196 KB).
Privacy Statement download here (.pdf 173 KB).
Data Incident Report download here (.pdf 32 KB).
Declaration on Withdrawal download here (.pdf 44 KB).
Complaint report download here (.pdf 45 KB).
Report for Recording Warranty Claims download here (.pdf 54 KB).

Villány, 23 March 2017


Sorry, this entry is only available in HU.